Cyber Security Incident Manager




For technical tools and services such as the Security Information and Event Manager (SIEM), Endpoint Malware Protection, Server Malware Protection, Threat Intelligence Platform, Brand Protection, and the Secure Email Gateway, this includes leading the team and coordinating across departments to ensure the right technical solutions for Security Incident Management are selected, procured, implemented, and operated.

This role is responsible for ensuring the development of the required documentation for the Incident Management function including the relevant policies, standards, and procedures needed for regulatory compliance.

This also includes helping define what key performance indicators and key risk indicators are required for Incident Management and ensuring these are collected and reported on a regular basis.

Regarding vendors providing Security Incident Management related services, this role is responsible for ensuring the function coordinates with the vendors and holds them accountable to provide the services to meet the security controls required. People Management Responsibilities For employees, this role is responsible for leading the employee team members who are part of the Cyber Security Incident Management function.

Organization Aventus
Industry Management Jobs
Occupational Category Manager
Job Location Riyadh,Saudi Arabia
Shift Type Morning
Job Type Full Time
Gender No Preference
Career Level Intermediate
Experience 2 Years
Posted at 2023-11-03 8:28 am
Expires on 2024-11-23